Welcome to our festival

The “Forse alla luna” Festival is a literary festival now in its second edition.
It is held in the municipalities of Macomer, Silanus and Borore and it is organised by Altrove Associazione Culturale and the local bookstore, Libreria Emmepi.
Since its first edition, the aim has been to create a ‘community event’, with the involvement of all the social, cultural and educational realities of the territory.
“Forse alla Luna” is also a widespread festival, which tends to enhance the most characteristic aspects of the cities involved, identifying different locations for the organisation of the events.
Furthermore, every year we organize a special event in the beautiful archaeological area of Tamuli, to address the Moon together, as has been done here for over 4000 years.
This year’s festival will have “1994: the year that changed Italy” as its main theme. Indeed, this is a watershed between the Italy of the postwar period and the economic boom and the Italy as we know it today: “Tangentopoli” and the crisis of the political system, the Moby Prince massacre, the murder of Ilaria Alpi, and the still unanswered state secrets stand out against the background of the complex international political situation. It will be a way to relive our History and see how it has affected our present.
Welcome to our festival.